Sunday, December 30, 2007

Red Dawn

You both woke wicked with your faces red
screaming brick red deep
clown circles on yours;
yours, with dark malignant streaks
by your ears.

What IS this i wonder softly
in fear of awakening the beast they've swallowed
rubbing gently with one thumb
both cheeks.

No grease no softening
what IS this i wonder in silence
as you stare wide at my wonderment
silent in your aspirations
and deep red reflections

both sets of eyes grow large as mine narrow
lip gloss! you declare, delighted at this first guess

no lip gloss, children, too red, too red
lipstick! i cry and you cringe
and frown
it's black, you say, it's black and red and you pull out
the bleak empty tube of Rouge Romance
and grin
since it's all on your faces and bellies and arms
tribal twin markings like twins, you are twins

giggling and aghast at the knowledge that
art can be smeared and altered
with cold cream
interpreted as sacred ritual
or sacrifice
or mere inconvience, depending
upon the viewer and the hour
of the viewing.

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